DeGroote School of Business
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Re-imagining Leadership Communication

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November 29, 2024

9:00 am


Ron Joyce Centre

Time Commitment

7 hours


$895 + HST

Course Overview

Managing ourselves through the barrage of rapid changes to our technological, social, and economic realities is already challenging, and at times can feel overwhelming. Leading others in this volatile world presents added layers of difficulty. Assuming a traditional leadership style simply does not work anymore. Instead, the modern workplace thrives when leaders clearly communicate to connect, collaborate, and elevate performance and results. But how does one delve into the art and science of planning for and managing the hard conversations that arise?   

This one-day skills-based learning session is designed to teach leaders how to tackle hard conversations in a world of unprecedented challenges and opportunities. 

Intended For

Open-minded, and forward-thinking leaders who manage all types of teams and/or organizations. This course is designed for individuals who are looking to re-imagine their leadership communication and to build a culture of feedback. 

Program Date

Program Starts: November 29, 2024

Time: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm

Why take this course?

Topics include: 

  • The new never normal and how effective communicators are navigating the moment.  
  • Understanding the impact of intergenerational rubs and the tipping point.  
  • The importance of breaking through the “noise” when communicating with others. 
  • Leveraging the social brain to re-imagine leadership communication. 
  • Using trust to get to authentic dialogue, shared meaning and growth minded outcomes. 
  • Best practice conversation frameworks, strategies and tools


Courses can be customized to meet your organization’s specific needs and can be delivered from anywhere in Ontario.


Monique Armstrong

Monique Armstrong

Assistant Clinical Professor (Adjunct), Psychiatry & Behavioural Neurosciences

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