DeGroote School of Business
DeGroote Police Leadership Certificate Program

The Law Enforcement Leadership Program

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DeGroote Police Leadership Certificate Program

May 15, 2025 to June 12, 2025

9:00 am


Ron Joyce Centre

Time Commitment

5 days in-person


$3975 + HST

Course Overview

For Police Services employees, leadership skills that are specific for their line of work are more important than ever.  DeGroote Executive Education, in collaboration with Senior Police Leaders, has developed a leadership program to equip Senior Police Leaders with the skills they need to manage and lead their teams and make a positive impact in their communities.  

The Law Enforcement Leadership Program is a five-module program. Each course consists of a full learning day, totaling five instructional days:  

  • Module 1: Strategic Management and Leadership
  • Module 2: Project Management  
  • Module 3: Influencing for Change
  • Module 4: Coaching & Mentoring to Optimize Potential
  • Module 5: Re-Imagining Leadership Communication 

Upon completion of the five-module program, attendees will receive a Certificate of Completion in The Law Enforcement Leadership Program from McMaster University and the DeGroote School of Business. 

Intended For

Senior Police Leaders and Civilian Managers responsible for coordinating, facilitating, or leading projects and programs will benefit from the Law Enforcement Leadership Program. Course content is tailored specifically for career development. There are no prerequisites, and no application is required to enroll in this program. 

Program Date

Program Starts: May 15, 2025
Program Completes: June 12, 2025

Time: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm

The Curriculum

Module 1: Strategic Management and Leadership | Thursday, May 15, 2025

This 1-day course is intended to help you continue to develop your competency, awareness, and ability to drive strategic change. It provides an opportunity for knowledge exchange and transfer and is designed to be interactive and engaging.

The first portion of the day focuses on understanding strategy, strategic management, key frameworks, and the context of a municipal police service. The second half will build on these themes and focus on your role as a leader and strategist working toward advancing the success of your organization while navigating through a challenging landscape.

Module 2: Project Management | Thursday, May 22, 2025 

This 1-day practical Project Management course is designed to align with the Project Management Institute’s (PMI) current standards and guidelines. Attendees will benefit from a combination of lecture, discussion and hands-on exercises and develop a high-level understanding of Project Management fundamentals.

Police Services are facing increasing pressure to deliver services more effectively.  Project management is recognized as a tool to assist in this requirement.

The purpose of this course is to:

  • Develop an understanding of project management and the associated language
  • Introduce real world tools and processes to assist in managing projects
  • Develop and practise practical skills via brief hands-on case study that can be immediately be applied on real-world projects

This is an interactive course based on an experiential, adult-learning model.

Module 3: Influencing for Change | Thursday, May 29, 2025

This highly participative session will allow you to better understand and improve how you show up as a leader of change. It focuses on understanding and adjusting the connection between how you think and an assortment of effective and ineffective leader behaviors, particularly as they relate to change and leading/managing others through change. You will learn how your thinking styles affect your ability to develop emotional intelligence, build and manage relationships, communicate up, across and down, deal with stress and time management, resolve conflict, embrace rather than resist change, lead change, and function in groups with varying dynamics. You will have an opportunity to identify areas requiring improvement and begin thinking about practical implementation steps to achieve positive change in these areas. The program will incorporate experiential learning, large and small group dialogue, group exercises, and self-assessment. 

Module 4: Coaching and Mentoring to Optimize Potential | Thursday, June 5, 2025

Transitions to leadership positions require a shift of mindset from I to WE as a critical success factor.  Leader performance is assessed by the strength of the whole, which includes both individual and team achievements.  Given this dependency, leaders face the challenge and opportunity of identifying and leveraging team talent, and creating a culture within which teams are motivated to grow and learn in support of organizational goals.

This one-day interactive skills-based learning session is designed to complement leader toolkits to include practical tips and tools for enhancing performance through coaching and mentoring. It is intended to help illustrate how alignment of organizational priorities with team strengths helps to drive performance particularly when enabled by motivation as well as the use of coaching and mentoring approaches and techniques.

Module 5: Re-Imagining Leadership Communication | Thursday, June 12, 2025

As each of us works to manage our own varied responses to the “New Normal”, one thing remains constant – many of our best results are created when we effectively engage others and work together to build not just great solutions, but also the critical buy-in to get them executed.  Constant pressure from the work from home world – high levels of ambiguity, moving targets and screen fatigue – all have the potential to interfere with leaders’ abilities to reach others and communicate in ways others can absorb and make actionable. 


Courses can be customized to meet your organization’s specific needs and can be delivered from anywhere in Ontario.


Margaret z

Margaret Zanel

Partner, Strategy and Leadership
Wentworth Strategy Group

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Mark John Stewart

Managing Director, Wentworth Strategy Group
Industry Professor, McMaster University

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Image of Bruce G

Bruce Garrod

Township of Uxbridge, Durham Regional Councillor

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Monique Armstrong

Monique Armstrong

Assistant Clinical Professor (Adjunct), Psychiatry & Behavioural Neurosciences

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Image of Vania Sakelaris Website Photo

Vania Sakelaris

Founder / Principal, VAS & Associates Inc.; Executive Coach; Instructor

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